Alive? Or just alive?
I don’t want to feel the breeze. I want to be the wind.
I don’t want a bite. I want the whole cake.
There’s just so much I want to do. But the clock keeps ticking.
Insatiable desires that keep lighting a candle, I put out every now and then, on a quiet autumn day..
I want to stop the incinerating forest from burning. But I wonder what it must feel like to be a swirl of smoke making unsymmetrical circles through the air, smelling of amber burnt leaves.
I've taken huge decisions in life, without always having to turn to someone. But I can simply never decide between coffee and tea.
If we know there always are shades of gray, then why must the answer always be in a yes or no? Words can’t always be taken back once you say them out. I’m not sure how many I have with me anymore...
Freedom of speech, they say. Hah. There are parameters to speech. There are parameters to freedom. And parameters to creativity.. As suffocating as it may sound. It surely matters not how you think. But when what you think, is also to be heard, things get slightly more complicated, for we spill beyond our little bubble of space.
I swing between a guitar, drum kit, pc, and a pile of books.....between friends and family....between I and me.
Its crazy. Almost deafening. But I like noise.
HmmMm.... So lets make some more eh? ;)